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Pitch Correction with Logic - What is a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)?


GarageBand is a music creation software exclusive to Apple Mac devices that offers you a vast sound library that includes instruments, presets for guitar, and a selection of 28 session drummers and 3 percussionists. Acoustica Mixcraft is an easy-to-use and powerful music production software that gives you a chance to quickly record and make quality edits to your tracks through its lightning-fast sound engine, realistic pitch-shifting, and time-stretching technology.

Mixcraft is available to you through two one-time purchase plans: Mixcraft 9 Pro Studio and Mixcraft 9 Recording Studio. Although lacking built-in pitch correction features, the Avid Pro Tools software makes up for it by providing one of the most intuitive and seamless music production workflows in the market.

Avid Pro Tools offer you two pricing plans: a regular pro tools plan and a pro tools ultimate plan. A digital audio workstation DAW is a digital user interface, either coming as a physical electronic device hardware , group of devices, or software program, used for recording, editing, and creating audio files.

Often characterized by features such as virtual mixers, filters, graphic timelines, and file-management and organization tools , DAWs come in multiple deployments.

They range from a single application software on a personal computer to a stand-alone unit or a complex configuration made up of numerous units managed from a central computer. Never minding these different deployments, modern DAWs generally have a central interface with features and tools dedicated to altering and mixing multiple audio tracks and combining them into one final piece.

These mixed or produced audio records or tracks may include music, speech, radio, television, podcasts, sound effects, or any other form of the complex audio file needed for multiple reasons. There are a lot of DAW software programs on the internet today and choosing one proves to be hard, especially given the divergent uses a lot of users have for them.

Even the best software on the list may not cater to your needs or serve as the best option for you. How then do you make the right choice?

The operating system you make use of wholly defines the best option available to you. Consider the first software mentioned on our list, the Apple Logic Pro. It remains exclusive to macOS and iOS, meaning if you make use of Windows or Linux, this software is not available to you. This will cause you to either get a macOS or iOS device or choose the next best option that fits your operating system.

However, choosing software that is exclusive to a single operating system could prove to be a bad move in the long run. What happens when you compulsorily need to change operating systems or are caught up in a situation requiring you to use Windows devices, for instance? Due to this, DAW software that offers you cross-platform compatibility gives you the most flexibility and comfort in creating and editing your audio files.

This even fosters seamless and unhindered collaborations with other creative producers you work with. Why are these important? Different DAWs possess compatibility with different audio plugin formats and, with plugins serving as very important elements in the music production environment, choosing software that offers comprehensive compatibility with these varying formats is best for you.

Apart from the RTAS which is compatible with only Avid Pro Tools, having software compatible with VST and AU plugin formats means you are barely hindered when expanding your music production functionality through the use of plugins.

Plugins also come with bit and bit compatibility. Music production software that covers these two formats gives you flexibility and comfort. This is a factor that wholly depends on you. Your production workflow includes the peculiar characteristics of your creative style and how your music or audio files come out.

With this, you consider whether you plan to do more audio recording if you intend to go for a full-blown synth and virtual instrument setup, whether your style leans towards electronic music which requires more edits of sounds and effects , and how much control you wish to have over audio or MIDI editing, among a lot of other considerations.

Having knowledge or taking note of all these helps you compare your DAW software choices against each other, know how much each fits into your production workflow, and help you make an appropriate choice. The amount of financial resources you have to expend on DAW software determines the choices you have within that price range.

One tip to take note of is that you do not need to purchase the biggest version of the DAW software offered by it. When it comes to a budget, all you need to do is compare different versions of different DAWs within your price range and determine which offers you the most sufficient and appropriate amount of features.

Comment: Body X axis angular velocity integrator limit. Can be set to increase the amount of integrator available to counteract disturbances or reduced to improve settling time after large roll moment trim changes. Comment: Global gain of the controller. Comment: Body X axis angular velocity proportional gain, i. Comment: Body Y axis angular velocity differential gain.

Comment: Body Y axis angular velocity integral gain. Comment: Body Y axis angular velocity integrator limit. Can be set to increase the amount of integrator available to counteract disturbances or reduced to improve settling time after large pitch moment trim changes. Comment: Body Y axis angular velocity proportional gain, i.

Comment: Body Z axis angular velocity differential gain. Comment: Body Z axis angular velocity integral gain. Comment: Body Z axis angular velocity integrator limit. Can be set to increase the amount of integrator available to counteract disturbances or reduced to improve settling time after large yaw moment trim changes.

Comment: Body Z axis angular velocity proportional gain, i. Comment: Set to 1 to use heading estimate from vision. Set to 2 to use heading from motion capture. Comment: This parameter is not used in normal operation, as the declination is looked up based on the GPS coordinates of the vehicle.

Comment: After the auto-tuning sequence is completed, a new set of gains is available and can be applied immediately or after landing.

Comment: Defines which axes will be tuned during the auto-tuning sequence Set bits in the following positions to enable: 0 : Roll 1 : Pitch 2 : Yaw. Only activate if you know what you are doing, and in a safe environment.

Any motion of the remote stick will abord the signal injection and reset this parameter Best is to perform the identification in position or hold mode.

Comment: This parameter scales the signal sent to the rate controller during system identification. WARNING Applying the gains in air is dangerous as there is no guarantee that those new gains will be able to stabilize the drone properly.

Comment: The voltage seen by the ADC multiplied by this factor will determine the battery current. A value of -1 means to use the board default. Comment: This parameter specifies the ADC channel used to monitor current of main power battery.

Comment: This parameter controls the source of battery data. The value 'Power Module' means that measurements are expected to come from a power module. If the value is set to 'External' then the system expects to receive mavlink battery status messages. This requires the ESC to provide both voltage as well as current. Comment: This parameter specifies the ADC channel used to monitor voltage of main power battery.

Comment: Defines the voltage where a single cell of battery 1 is considered full under a mild load. This will never be the nominal voltage of 4. Comment: This is the divider from battery 1 voltage to ADC voltage. If using e. Mauch power modules the value from the datasheet can be applied straight here.

Comment: Defines the voltage where a single cell of battery 1 is considered empty. The voltage should be chosen before the steep dropoff to 2. Comment: This implicitely defines the internal resistance to maximum current ratio for battery 1 and assumes linearity. A good value to use is the difference between the 5C and C load.

Comment: This is the divider from battery 2 voltage to ADC voltage. Comment: This value is used to initialize the in-flight average current estimation, which in turn is used for estimating remaining flight time and RTL triggering. Comment: Sets the threshold when the battery will be reported as critically low. This has to be lower than the low threshold. This threshold commonly will trigger RTL. Comment: Sets the threshold when the battery will be reported as dangerously low.

This has to be lower than the critical threshold. This threshold commonly will trigger landing. Comment: Sets the threshold when the battery will be reported as low. This has to be higher than the critical threshold. Comment: This offset will be subtracted before calculating the battery current based on the voltage.

Comment: This parameter sets the delay between image integration start and strobe firing. Comment: This parameter sets the minimum time between two consecutive trigger events the specific camera setup is supporting.

The PWM interface takes two pins per camera, while relay triggers on every pin individually. Example: Value 56 would trigger on pins 5 and 6. With a value of 65 pin 5 will be triggered followed by 6. Pins may be non contiguous.

If bits above 8 are set that value is used as the selector for trigger pins. If the value is. Comment: Setting this parameter to will disable the check for an airspeed sensor. The sensor driver will not be started and it cannot be calibrated.

Comment: Setting this parameter to will disable the buzzer audio notification. Setting this parameter to will disable the startup tune, while keeping all others enabled.

Comment: Setting this parameter to will disable the flight termination action if triggered by the FailureDetector logic or if FMU is lost. This circuit breaker does not affect the RC loss, data link loss, geofence, and takeoff failure detection safety logic. Comment: Setting this parameter to will disable IO safety.

Comment: Setting this parameter to will disable the rate controller uORB publication. Comment: Setting this parameter to will disable the power valid checks in the commander. Comment: Setting this parameter to will disable the USB connected checks in the commander, setting it to 0 keeps them enabled recommended.

We are generally recommending to not fly with the USB link connected and production vehicles should set this parameter to zero to prevent users from flying USB powered. Comment: Setting this parameter to will disable the position and velocity accuracy checks in the commander. Excessive airspeed measurements on ground are either caused by wind or bad airspeed calibration. Comment: By default off.

The default allows to arm the vehicle without a arm authorization. Comment: Timeout for authorizer answer. Comment: If this parameter is set, the system will check ESC's online status and failures. This param is specific for ESCs reporting status. It shall be used only if ESCs support telemetry. Depending on the value of the parameter, the check can be disabled, warn only or deny arming.

Comment: A non-zero, positive value specifies the time-out period in seconds after which the vehicle will be automatically disarmed in case a landing situation has been detected during this period. A zero or negative value means that automatic disarming triggered by landing detection is disabled. Comment: A non-zero, positive value specifies the time in seconds, within which the vehicle is expected to take off after arming. In case the vehicle didn't takeoff within the timeout it disarms again.

A negative value disables autmoatic disarming triggered by a pre-takeoff timeout. Comment: After this amount of seconds without datalink the data link lost mode triggers. Comment: This number is incremented automatically after every flight on disarming in order to remember the next flight UUID. The first flight is 0. Comment: If the main switch channel is in this range the selected flight mode will be applied.

Comment: Describes the intended use of the vehicle. Can be used by ground control software or log post processing. This param does not influence the behavior within the firmware.

This means for example the control logic is independent of the setting of this param but depends on other params.

Comment: The vehicle aborts the current operation and returns to launch when the time since takeoff is above this value. It is not possible to resume the mission or switch to any mode other than RTL or Land. Set a nagative value to disable. Comment: After a data link loss: after this number of seconds with a healthy datalink the 'datalink loss' flag is set back to false. Comment: If set to true, the autopilot is allowed to set its home position after takeoff The true home position is back-computed if a local position is estimate if available.

If no local position is available, home is set to the current position. Comment: Action the system takes when an imbalanced propeller is detected by the failure detector. The check is not executed for flight modes that do support acrobatic maneuvers, e. A zero or negative value means that the check is disabled. Comment: Action the system takes at critical battery. Comment: This sets the flight mode that will be used if navigation accuracy is no longer adequate for position control.

Comment: This sets number of seconds that the position checks need to be failed before the failsafe will activate. The default value has been optimised for rotary wing applications. For fixed wing applications, a larger value between 5 and 10 should be used. Comment: This is the horizontal position error EPH threshold that will trigger a failsafe.

The default is appropriate for a multicopter. Can be increased for a fixed-wing. Comment: This is the vertical position error EPV threshold that will trigger a failsafe. Comment: This configures a check to verify the expected number of 5V rail power supplies are present. By default only one is expected. Comment: Condition to enter the prearmed state, an intermediate state between disarmed and armed in which non-throttling actuators are active.

Comment: Specify modes in which RC loss is ignored and the failsafe action not triggered. Comment: The default value of requires the stick to be held in the arm or disarm position for 1 second.

Comment: The default value of 0 requires a valid RC transmitter setup. Setting this to 1 allows joystick control and disables RC input handling and the associated checks. A value of 2 will generate RC control data from manual input received via MAVLink instead of directly forwarding the manual input data. Comment: After this amount of seconds without RC connection it's considered lost and not used anymore.

This parameter is not considered in case of a GPS failure Descend flight mode , where stick override is always enabled. Comment: This is the horizontal velocity error EVH threshold that will trigger a failsafe.

Comment: Wind speed threshold above which an automatic return to launch is triggered and enforced as long as the threshold is exceeded. A negative value disables the feature.

Comment: A warning is triggered if the currently estimated wind speed is above this value. Warning is sent periodically every 1min. Once the timeout occurs the selected action will be executed. This splits the throttle ranges in two. Direction 1 48 is the slowest, is the fastest. Direction 2 is the slowest, is the fastest. Not all ESCs support all modes. The value depends on the ESC. Make sure to set this high enough so that the motors are always spinning while armed.

Comment: Specify the number of magnetic poles of the motors. Either get the number from the motor spec sheet or count the magnets on the bell of the motor not the stator magnets.

Typical motors for 5 inch props have 14 poles. Comment: If the magnitude of the IMU accelerometer vector exceeds this value, the EKF delta velocity state estimation will be inhibited.

This reduces the adverse effect of high manoeuvre accelerations and IMU nonlinerity and scale factor errors on the delta velocity bias estimates. Comment: If the magnitude of the IMU angular rate vector exceeds this value, the EKF delta velocity state estimation will be inhibited. This reduces the adverse effect of rapid rotation rates and associated errors on the delta velocity bias estimates. Comment: The vector magnitude of angular rate and acceleration used to check if learning should be inhibited has a peak hold filter applied to it with an exponential decay.

This parameter controls the time constant of the decay. Comment: Set bits in the following positions to enable: 0 : Set to true to use GPS data if available 1 : Set to true to use optical flow data if available 2 : Set to true to inhibit IMU delta velocity bias estimation 3 : Set to true to enable vision position fusion 4 : Set to true to enable vision yaw fusion.

Cannot be used if bit position 7 is true. Cannot be used if bit position 4 is true. Comment: A value of zero will deactivate airspeed fusion. Any other positive value will determine the minimum airspeed which will still be fused. The drag produced by this effect scales with speed squared. Set this parameter to zero to turn off the bluff body drag model for this axis.

Comment: Set bits in the following positions to enable functions. Comment: Increasing this makes the multi-rotor wind estimates adjust more slowly. Comment: If set to true the observation noise is set from the parameters directly, if set to false the measurement noise is taken from the vision message and the parameter are used as a lower bound. Comment: A value of 1 indicates that fusion is active Both sideslip fusion and airspeed fusion must be active for the EKF to continue navigating after loss of GPS.

Comment: Sets the value of deadzone applied to negative baro innovations. Comment: Sets the maximum distance to the ground level where negative baro innovations are expected. Comment: Set bits to 1 to enable checks.

This check will only run when the vehicle is on ground and stationary. Set to zero to disable centripetal acceleration compensation during fixed wing flight modes. Comment: The range sensor option should only be used when for operation over a flat surface as the local NED origin will move up and down with ground level.

If the filtered horizontal acceleration is greater than this parameter value, then the EKF will use 3-axis magnetomer fusion. Comment: When set, the EKF checks the strength of the magnetic field to decide whether the magnetometer data is valid. This check is useful to reject occasional hard iron disturbance.

Comment: Integer controlling the type of magnetometer fusion used - magnetic heading or 3-component vector. The fuson of magnetomer data as a three component vector enables vehicle body fixed hard iron errors to be learned, but requires a stable earth field.

If set to 'Automatic' magnetic heading fusion is used when on-ground and 3-axis magnetic field fusion in-flight with fallback to magnetic heading fusion if there is insufficient motion to make yaw or magnetic field states observable. If set to 'Magnetic heading' magnetic heading fusion is used at all times If set to '3-axis' 3-axis field fusion is used at all times. If set to 'VTOL custom' the behaviour is the same as 'Automatic', but if fusing airspeed, magnetometer fusion is only allowed to modify the magnetic field states.

This can be used by VTOL platforms with large magnetic field disturbances to prevent incorrect bias states being learned during forward flight operation which can adversely affect estimation accuracy after transition to hovering flight.

If set to 'MC custom' the behaviour is the same as 'Automatic, but if there are no earth frame position or velocity observations being used, the magnetometer will not be used.

This enables vehicles to operate with no GPS in environments where the magnetic field cannot be used to provide a heading reference. Prior to flight, the yaw angle is assumed to be constant if movement tests indicate that the vehicle is static. This allows the vehicle to be placed on the ground to learn the yaw gyro bias prior to flight.

If set to 'None' the magnetometer will not be used under any circumstance. If no external source of yaw is available, it is possible to use post-takeoff horizontal movement combined with GPS velocity measurements to align the yaw angle with the timer required depending on the amount of movement and GPS data quality.

If the filtered yaw rate is greater than this parameter value, then the EKF will use 3-axis magnetomer fusion. The drag produced by this effect scales with speed not speed squared and is produced because some of the air velocity normal to the propeller axis of rotation is lost when passing through the rotor disc. This changes the momentum of the flow which creates a drag reaction force. When comparing un-ducted propellers of the same diameter, the effect is roughly proportional to the area of the propeller blades when viewed side on and changes with propeller selection.

Momentum drag is significantly higher for ducted rotors. Set 0 to disable. Comment: Assumes measurement is timestamped at trailing edge of integration period. Comment: This is the ratio of static pressure error to dynamic pressure generated by a negative wind relative velocity along the X body axis.

If the baro height estimate rises during backwards flight, then this will be a negative number. Comment: This is the ratio of static pressure error to dynamic pressure generated by a positive wind relative velocity along the X body axis. If the baro height estimate rises during forward flight, then this will be a negative number.

Comment: This is the ratio of static pressure error to dynamic pressure generated by a wind relative velocity along the negative Y LH body axis. If the baro height estimate rises during sideways flight to the left, then this will be a negative number.

Comment: This is the ratio of static pressure error to dynamic pressure generated by a wind relative velocity along the positive Y RH body axis. If the baro height estimate rises during sideways flight to the right, then this will be a negative number. Comment: This is the ratio of static pressure error to dynamic pressure generated by a wind relative velocity along the Z body axis.

Comment: EKF prediction period in microseconds. This should ideally be an integer multiple of the IMU time delta. Actual filter update will be an integer multiple of IMU update.

It can be reduced to speed up initialization, but it's recommended to keep this unchanged for a vehicle. Comment: If this parameter is enabled then the estimator will make use of the range finder measurements to estimate it's height even if range sensor is not the primary height source. It will only do so if conditions for range measurement fusion are met. This enables the range finder to be used during low speed and low altitude operation, eg takeoff and landing, where baro interference from rotor wash is excessive and can corrupt EKF state estimates.

If vehicle motion causes repeated switching between the primary height sensor and range finder, an offset in the local position origin can accumulate. Also range finder measurements are less reliable and can experience unexpected errors. Comment: If the vehicle absolute altitude exceeds this value then the estimator will not fuse range measurements to estimate it's height.

Comment: A lower value means HAGL needs to be more stable in order to use range finder for height estimation in range aid mode. Comment: If the vehicle horizontal speed exceeds this value then the estimator will not fuse range measurements to estimate it's height.

Comment: To be used, the time derivative of the distance sensor measurements projected on the vertical axis needs to be statistically consistent with the estimated vertical velocity of the drone.

Decrease this value to make the filter more robust against range finder faulty data stuck, reflections, Comment: EKF2 instances have to be better than the selected by at least this amount before their relative score can be reduced. Comment: EKF2 selector acceleration error threshold for comparing accelerometers.

Acceleration vector differences larger than this will result in accumulated velocity error. Comment: EKF2 selector maximum accumulated angular error threshold for comparing gyros. Accumulated angular error larger than this will result in the sensor being declared faulty.

Comment: EKF2 selector angular rate error threshold for comparing gyros. Angular rate vector differences larger than this will result in accumulated angular error. Comment: EKF2 selector maximum accumulated velocity threshold for comparing accelerometers. Accumulated velocity error larger than this will result in the sensor being declared faulty. Comment: Use for vehicles where the measured body Z magnetic field is subject to strong magnetic interference.

For magnetic heading fusion the magnetometer Z measurement will be replaced by a synthetic value calculated using the knowledge of the 3D magnetic field vector at the location of the drone. Therefore, this parameter will only have an effect if the global position of the drone is known.

For 3D mag fusion the magnetometer Z measurement will simply be ingored instead of fusing the synthetic value. Comment: Set bits in the following positions to enable: 0 : Set to true to use range finder data if available 1 : Set to true to use optical flow data if available. When enabled, an alarm tune will be played via buzzer or ESCs, if supported.

The alarm will sound after a disarm, if the vehicle was previously armed and only if the vehicle had RC signal at some point. Particularly useful for locating crashed drones without a GPS sensor. When enabled and if the vehicle supports it, LEDs will flash indicating various vehicle status changes. Currently PX4 has not implemented any specific status events. Comment: This is the rate the controller is trying to achieve if the user applies full roll stick input in acro mode.

Comment: This is the body y rate the controller is trying to achieve if the user applies full pitch stick input in acro mode. Comment: This is the body z rate the controller is trying to achieve if the user applies full yaw stick input in acro mode. Comment: For small wings or VTOL without airspeed sensor this parameter can be used to enable flying without an airspeed reading.

Enable when using aerodynamic control surfaces e. Comment: This compensates for voltage drop of the battery over time by attempting to normalize performance across the operating range of the battery. The fixed wing should constantly behave as if it was fully charged with reduced max thrust at lower battery percentages. Comment: This increment is added to the pitch trim whenever flaps are fully deployed.

Comment: This increment is added to the pitch trim whenever spoilers are fully deployed. Comment: Sets a fraction of full flaps during landing. Comment: Sets a fraction of full flaps during take-off. Comment: Scale factor applied to the desired pitch actuator command in full manual mode. This parameter allows to adjust the throws of the control surfaces.

Comment: Scale factor applied to the desired roll actuator command in full manual mode. Comment: Scale factor applied to the desired yaw actuator command in full manual mode.

Comment: This gain defines how much control response will result out of a steady state error. It trims any constant error. Comment: The portion of the integrator part in the control surface deflection is limited to this value.

Comment: This defines how much the elevator input will be commanded depending on the current body angular rate error. Comment: An airframe specific offset of the pitch setpoint in degrees, the value is added to the pitch setpoint and should correspond to the pitch at typical cruise speed of the airframe. Comment: This limits the maximum pitch down up angular rate the controller will output in degrees per second.

Comment: This limits the maximum pitch up angular rate the controller will output in degrees per second. Comment: This defines the latency between a pitch step input and the achieved setpoint inverse to a P gain. Half a second is a good start value and fits for most average systems.

Smaller systems may require smaller values, but as this will wear out servos faster, the value should only be decreased as needed. Comment: This gain can be used to counteract the "adverse yaw" effect for fixed wings. When the plane enters a roll it will tend to yaw the nose out of the turn. This gain enables the use of a yaw actuator rudder, airbrakes, Comment: Direct feed forward from rate setpoint to control surface output. Use this to obtain a tigher response of the controller without introducing noise amplification.

Comment: This defines how much the aileron input will be commanded depending on the current body angular rate error. Comment: This limits the maximum roll rate the controller will output in degrees per second. Comment: This defines the latency between a roll step input and the achieved setpoint inverse to a P gain.

Comment: This defines how much the wheel steering input will be commanded depending on the current body angular rate error. Comment: This limits the maximum wheel steering rate the controller will output in degrees per second. Comment: This defines how much the rudder input will be commanded depending on the current body angular rate error.

Comment: This limits the maximum yaw rate the controller will output in degrees per second. Comment: If the altitude error exceeds this parameter, the system will climb out with maximum throttle and minimum airspeed until it is closer than this distance to the desired altitude.

Set to 0 to disable climbout mode not recommended. Comment: Used to determine the L1 gain and controller time constant. This parameter is proportional to the L1 distance which points ahead of the aircraft on the path it is following. A value of seconds works for most aircraft.

Shorten slowly during tuning until response is sharp without oscillation. Comment: Multiplying this factor with the minimum airspeed of the plane gives the target airspeed the landing approach. Comment: When disabled, the landing configuration flaps, landing airspeed, etc. When enabled, it is already activated when entering the final loiter-down loiter-to-alt waypoint before the landing approach.

This shifts the often large altitude and airspeed errors caused by the configuration change away from the ground such that these are not so critical. It also gives the controller enough time to adapt to the new configuration such that the landing approach starts with a cleaner initial state.

Comment: Set this parameter to less than 1. Comment: Default of Comment: This is turned off by default and a waypoint or return altitude is normally used or sea level for an arbitrary land position. Comment: The maximum pitch angle setpoint for autonomous modes including altitude and position control. Comment: The minimum pitch angle setpoint for autonomous modes including altitude and position control.

Comment: The maximum roll angle setpoint for autonomous modes including altitude and position control. Comment: Automatically adjust throttle to account for decreased air density at higher altitudes. Start with a scale factor of 1. When flying without airspeed sensor this will help to keep a constant performance over large altitude ranges. The default value of 0 will disable scaling. Comment: This is the throttle setting required to achieve the desired cruise speed.

Most airframes have a value of 0. Comment: This is the minimum throttle while on the ground For aircraft with internal combustion engine this parameter should be set above desired idle rpm.

For electric aircraft this will normally be set to zero, but can be set to a small non-zero value if a folding prop is fitted to prevent the prop from folding and unfolding repeatedly in-flight or to provide some aerodynamic drag from a turning prop to improve the descent rate.

For aircraft with internal combustion engine this parameter should be set for desired idle rpm. Comment: This is an extra limit for the maximum pitch which is imposed in the phase before the throttle turns on. This allows to limit the maximum pitch angle during a bungee launch make the launch less steep. Comment: The maximum value of the minimum forward ground speed that may be commanded by the track keeping excess wind handling logic.

Commanded in full at the normalized track error fraction of the track error boundary and reduced to zero on track. Comment: Multiplied by period for conservative minimum period bounding when period lower bounding is enabled. Used to determine lower period bound. Setting zero disables automatic period bounding. Should be less than 1. Comment: Adapts period to maintain track keeping in variable winds and path curvature. Comment: Disabling this parameter further disables all other airspeed incrementation options.

Comment: The minimal airspeed calibrated airspeed the user is able to command. Further, if the airspeed falls below this value, the TECS controller will try to increase airspeed more aggressively.

Comment: The stall airspeed calibrated airspeed of the vehicle. It is used for airspeed sensor failure detection and for the control surface scaling airspeed limits. Comment: The trim CAS calibrated airspeed of the vehicle. If an airspeed controller is active, this is the default airspeed setpoint that the controller will try to achieve if no other airspeed setpoint sources are present e. Comment: The controller will increase the commanded airspeed to maintain this minimum groundspeed to the next waypoint.

For electric aircraft make sure this number can be achieved towards the end of flight when the battery voltage has reduced. The setting of this parameter can be checked by commanding a positive altitude change of m in loiter, RTL or guided mode. Comment: The default rate at which the vehicle will climb in autonomous modes to achieve altitude setpoints. In manual modes this defines the maximum rate at which the altitude setpoint can be increased.

Comment: This is the integrator gain on the pitch part of the control loop. Increasing this gain increases the speed at which speed and height offsets are trimmed out, but reduces damping and increases overshoot. Set this value to zero to completely disable all integrator action. Comment: This is the integrator gain on the throttle part of the control loop. Comment: This is the damping gain for the pitch demand loop.

Increase to add damping to correct for oscillations in height. The default value of 0. Comment: Increasing this gain turn increases the amount of throttle that will be used to compensate for the additional drag created by turning. Increase this gain if the aircraft initially loses energy in turns and reduce if the aircraft initially gains energy in turns.

Efficient high aspect-ratio aircraft eg powered sailplanes can use a lower value, whereas inefficient low aspect-ratio models eg delta wings can use a higher value. Comment: This sets the maximum descent rate that the controller will use. If this value is too large, the aircraft can over-speed on descent. This should be set to a value that can be achieved without exceeding the lower pitch angle limit and without over-speeding the aircraft.

Comment: The default rate at which the vehicle will sink in autonomous modes to achieve altitude setpoints. In manual modes this defines the maximum rate at which the altitude setpoint can be decreased. Comment: This parameter adjusts the amount of weighting that the pitch control applies to speed vs height errors. Setting it to 0.

This will normally improve height accuracy but give larger airspeed errors. Setting it to 2. This will normally reduce airspeed errors, but give larger height errors. The default value of 1. Note to Glider Pilots - set this parameter to 2. Increasing this frequency weights the solution more towards use of the airspeed sensor, whilst reducing it weights the solution more towards use of the accelerometer data.

Comment: This filter is applied to the specific total energy rate used for throttle damping. Comment: This is the damping gain for the throttle demand loop. Increase to add damping to correct for oscillations in speed and height.

Comment: If enabled, failure detector will verify that for motors, a minimum amount of ESC current per throttle level is being consumed. Otherwise this indicates an motor failure. Comment: Motor failure triggers only if the throttle threshold and the current to throttle threshold are violated for this time.

Comment: If enabled, failure detector will verify that all the ESCs have successfully armed when the vehicle has transitioned to the armed state. Timeout for receiving an acknowledgement from the ESCs is 0. Setting this parameter to 0 disables the check. Comment: Value at which the imbalanced propeller metric based on horizontal and vertical acceleration variance triggers a failure Setting this value to 0 disables the feature.

Comment: lower numbers increase the responsiveness to changing long lat but also ignore less noise. Check your receiver's documentation on how many systems are supported to be used in parallel. Currently this functionality is just implemented for u-blox receivers. When no bits are set, the receiver's default configuration should be used. Comment: Select the GPS protocol over serial. Auto-detection will probe all protocols, and thus is a bit slower.

Not available on MTK. Comment: u-blox receivers support different dynamic platform models to adjust the navigation engine to the expected application environment. Comment: Select the u-blox configuration setup. The Heading mode requires 2 F9P devices to be attached. The main GPS will act as rover and output heading information, whereas the secondary will act as moving base. RTK is still possible with this setup. Comment: Heading offset angle for dual antenna GPS setups that support heading estimation.

Set this to 0 if the antennas are parallel to the forward-facing direction of the vehicle and the rover antenna is in front. The offset angle increases clockwise. Set this to 90 if the rover antenna is placed on the right side of the vehicle and the moving base antenna is on the left side. Comment: Enables the PPS capture module.

Comment: Note: Setting this value to 4 enables flight termination, which will kill the vehicle on violation of the fence. Comment: Set how many subsequent position measurements outside of the fence are needed before geofence violation is triggered. Comment: Maximum horizontal distance in meters the vehicle can be from home before triggering a geofence action.

Disabled if 0. Comment: Maximum vertical distance in meters the vehicle can be from home before triggering a geofence action. Comment: Predict the motion of the vehicle and trigger the breach if it is determined that the current trajectory would result in a breach happening before the vehicle can make evasive maneuvers. The vehicle is then re-routed to a safe hold position stop for multirotor, loiter for fixed wing.

Comment: Select which position source should be used. Comment: Defines which mixer implementation to use. Some are generic, while others are specifically fit to a certain vehicle with a fixed set of actuators. Comment: This is used to specify how to handle motor failures reported by failure detector. Comment: Defines the collective pitch at the interval position 0 for a given thrust setpoint.

Comment: Defines the collective pitch at the interval position 1 for a given thrust setpoint. Comment: Defines the collective pitch at the interval position 2 for a given thrust setpoint. Comment: Defines the collective pitch at the interval position 3 for a given thrust setpoint.

Comment: Defines the collective pitch at the interval position 4 for a given thrust setpoint. Comment: Selects the algorithm and desaturation method. Comment: Minimum time allowed for the motor input signal to pass through the full output range.

A value x means that the motor signal can only go from 0 to 1 in minimum x seconds in case of reversible motors, the range is -1 to 1. Zero means that slew rate limiting is disabled. Use a positive value for a rotor with CCW rotation. Use a negative value for a rotor with CW rotation.

Note that the output driver needs to support this as well. Comment: Minimum time allowed for the servo input signal to pass through the full output range. A value x means that the servo signal can only go from -1 to 1 in minimum x seconds. Comment: Defines the tilt angle when the servo is at the maximum. An angle of zero means upwards. Comment: Defines the tilt angle when the servo is at the minimum. Comment: Defines the direction the servo tilts towards when moving towards the maximum tilt angle.

Comment: Reduce to make the hover thrust estimate more stable, increase if the real hover thrust is expected to change quickly over time. A value of 0. Set to a large value if the vehicle operates in varying physical conditions that affect the required hover thrust strongly e. Comment: Above this speed, the measurement noise is linearly increased to reduce the sensitivity of the estimator from biased measurement.

Set to a low value on vehicles with large lifting surfaces. Set to a low value on vehicles affected by air drag when climbing or descending. Comment: Maximum horizontal velocity allowed in the landed state. A factor of 0. Comment: Maximum vertical velocity allowed in the landed state. Comment: Maximum horizontal x,y body axes acceleration allowed in the landed state.

Comment: The height above ground below which ground effect creates barometric altitude errors. A negative value indicates no ground effect. Comment: The system will obey this limit as a hard altitude limit. A negative value indicates no altitude limitation. Comment: Maximum allowed angular velocity around each axis allowed in the landed state. Comment: Total time it takes to go through all three land detection stages: ground contact, maybe landed, landed when all necessary conditions are constantly met.

Comment: Total flight time of this autopilot. Higher 32 bits of the value. Lower 32 bits of the value. Comment: Variance of acceleration measurement used for landing target position prediction. Higher values results in tighter following of the measurements and more lenient outlier rejection. Comment: Variance of the landing target measurement from the driver. Higher values result in less aggressive following of the measurement and a smoother output as well as fewer rejected measurements.

Comment: Configure the mode of the landing target. Depending on the mode, the landing target observations are used differently to aid position estimation. Mode Moving: The landing target may be moving around while in the field of view of the vehicle.

Landing target measurements are not used to aid positioning. Mode Stationary: The landing target is stationary. Measured velocity w. Comment: Initial variance of the relative landing target position in x and y direction. Comment: Landing target x measurements are scaled by this factor before being used. Comment: Landing target y measurements are scaled by this factor before being used. Comment: Initial variance of the relative landing target velocity in x and y directions. Comment: Set bits in the following positions to enable: 0 : Set to true to fuse GPS data if available, also requires GPS for altitude init 1 : Set to true to fuse optical flow data if available 2 : Set to true to fuse vision position 3 : Set to true to enable landing target 4 : Set to true to fuse land detector 5 : Set to true to publish AGL as local position down component 6 : Set to true to enable flow gyro compensation 7 : Set to true to enable baro fusion default - GPS, baro, land detector.

Comment: Set to zero to enable automatic compensation from measurement timestamps. Comment: This allows a ground control station to automatically find the drone on the local network. Comment: This is used to force flow control on or off for the the mavlink instance. By default it is auto detected. Use when auto detction fails. Comment: The MAVLink Mode defines the set of streamed messages for example the vehicle's attitude and their sending rates.

If the configured streams exceed the maximum rate, the sending rate of each stream is automatically decreased. If this is set to 0 a value of half of the theoretical maximum bandwidth is used. Comment: If set to 1 incoming external setpoint messages will be directly forwarded to the controllers if in offboard control mode.

Comment: Disabling the parameter hash check functionality will make the mavlink instance stream parameters continuously. Comment: The mavlink heartbeat message will not be forwarded if this parameter is set to 'disabled'. The main reason for disabling heartbeats to be forwarded is because they confuse dronekit. If the value is negative it will reset the complete radio config to factory defaults.

Only applies if this mavlink instance is going through a SiK radio. Comment: This enables continuous calibration of the magnetometers before takeoff using gyro data. Comment: Increase to make the estimator more responsive Decrease to make the estimator more robust to noise.

Comment: This determines if moving the left stick to the lower right arms and to the lower left disarms the vehicle. Comment: The time in seconds the system should do open loop loiter and wait for GPS recovery before it starts descending. Set to 0 to disable. Comment: Roll in degrees during the loiter after the vehicle has lost GPS in an auto mode e.

Comment: Failsafe check to prevent running mission stored from previous flight at a new takeoff location. Set a value of zero or less to disable. Comment: Failsafe check to prevent running missions which are way too big. Comment: This is the minimum altitude the system will always obey. The intent is to stay out of ground effect.

Comment: If enabled, yaw commands will be sent to the mount and the vehicle will follow its heading towards the flight direction. If disabled, the vehicle will yaw towards the ROI. Comment: If set, the mission feasibility checker will check for a takeoff waypoint on the mission. If the waypoint forces the heading the timeout will matter. For example on VTOL forwards transition.

Mainly useful for VTOLs that have less yaw authority and might not reach target yaw in wind. Disabled by default. Comment: Default acceptance radius, overridden by acceptance radius of waypoint if set. For fixed wing the L1 turning distance is used for horizontal acceptance. Comment: Altitude acceptance used for the last waypoint before a fixed-wing landing.

This is usually smaller than the standard vertical acceptance because close to the ground higher accuracy is required. Comment: Default value of loiter radius for missions, Hold mode, Return mode, etc. Comment: Enabling this will allow the system to respond to transponder data from e.

ADSB transponders. Comment: The air-mode enables the mixer to increase the total thrust of the multirotor in order to keep attitude and rate control even at low and high throttle. This function should be disabled during tuning as it will help the controller to diverge if the closed-loop is unstable i. Enabling air-mode for yaw requires the use of an arming switch. Comment: Determines the motor ordering. This can be used for example in combination with a 4-in-1 ESC that assumes a motor ordering which is different from PX4.

ONLY supported for Quads. When changing this, make sure to test the motor response without props first. Comment: Set to true for servo gimbal, false for passthrough. This is required for a gimbal which is not capable of stabilizing itself and relies on the IMU's attitude estimation. Comment: This is the protocol used between the ground station and the autopilot. The rest will be deprecated. Comment: This is the protocol used between the autopilot and a connected gimbal.

Recommended is the MAVLink gimbal protocol v2 if the gimbal supports it. Comment: Limit for pitch rate in manual and auto modes except acro. Has effect for large rotations in autonomous mode, to avoid large control output and mixer saturation. This is not only limited by the vehicle's properties, but also by the maximum measurement rate of the gyro. Comment: Pitch proportional gain, i.

Comment: Limit for roll rate in manual and auto modes except acro. Comment: Roll proportional gain, i. Comment: Yaw proportional gain, i. Comment: A fraction [0,1] deprioritizing yaw compared to roll and pitch in non-linear attitude control. Deprioritizing yaw is necessary because multicopters have much less control authority in yaw compared to the other axes and it makes sense because yaw is not critical for stable hovering or 3D navigation.

This ratio has no inpact on the yaw gain. Comment: Limit the rate of change of the yaw setpoint in autonomous mode to avoid large control output and mixer saturation. Comment: Only used in Position mode. Collision avoidance is disabled by setting this parameter to a negative value. Comment: Set to 0 to control height relative to the earth frame origin. This origin may move up and down in flight due to sensor drift. Set to 1 to control height relative to estimated distance to ground.

The vehicle will move up and down with terrain height variation. Requires a distance to ground sensor. Set to 2 to control height relative to ground requires a distance sensor when stationary and relative to earth frame origin when moving horizontally. Comment: Limit the maximum jerk of the vehicle how fast the acceleration can change. A lower value leads to smoother vehicle motions, but it also limits its agility.

A lower value leads to smoother vehicle motions, but it also limits its agility how fast it can change directions or break. Setting this to the maximum value essentially disables the limit. Comment: Minimum vertical thrust. Comment: The supported sub-modes are: 0 Simple position control where sticks map directly to velocity setpoints without smoothing. Useful for velocity control tuning. This delay is particularly useful for vehicles with slow motor spin-up e.

Select 'No Rescale' to directly map the stick to the output. This can be useful in case the hover thrust is very low and the default would lead to too much distortion e.



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